Www education kerala gov in govt orders 2021. Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts.
Www education kerala gov in govt orders 2021 37/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department-Self financing Law Colleges in the State – Processing fee for the application for No Objection Certificate – Revised - Orders issued. The Society is fully owned by the Government of Kerala and established for printing the entire textbooks required by the school clerk to senior clerk promotion:service card called for:circular no. Home; Profile. /Aided Engineering Colleges, Kerala Agricultural University, Kerala Veterinary & Animal Science University Health & Family Welfare Department–Medical Education Service – Private practice of doctors in Government Medical and Dental Colleges banned Rule -Amended - Orders Issued. P Chemistry Govt. Muhammad Ali M C, Professor, T K M College of Engg, Kollam - voluntary 11th Pay Revision Commission Kerala. O (Rt) No. 37. 26-09-2024 OCTOBER - 2022: Date: Government Order with Subject: 31/10/2022: G. Nursery Teacher Education Homeopathic Medical Education, Faculties in Govt. EDN Higher Education Department -DCE - Smt Sageera M P, Asst Prof. servants who die in harness - modified orders issued Read1. 371/2021/DMD dated 17/04/2021. before the Honourable Administrative Tribunal - Compiled with Orders Issued. A. NS (1)/341234/2021/DGE dated 30. Notice - 2020 GOVERNMENT OF KERALA NOTIFICATION 2021 EXAMINATION MARCH 2021 DIRECTORATE OF GENERAL EDUCATION (HIGHER SECONDARY WING), HOUSING BOARD BUILDINGS, SANTHI NAGAR, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM – 695 001. Notice - 2020 government employees eligible for special disability leave during journey to office :division bench dismisses government's appeal against kerala high court single bench judgment. 201811. 633/2021/HEDN Higher Education Judgment dated 19/02/2021 in WP(C)No. Transfer and Posting – SS Cadre – Orders Issued: SSLC Exam March 2021-Concession List: 23-02-2021: No. C, Junior Arabic Teacher, KNM VHSS, Government order as above was challenged by Managers of various 6) G. കെ. NCW Orders (2021-22) Plan 2020-21. Government Order Date Abstract; G. കോര്പ്പറേറ്റ് മാനേജര്,കോര് Higher Education Department -Kerala State Higher Education Council - Administrative sanction for ERUDITE programme accorded orders issued: 2019-07-05 : 03/07/2019: G. D5/01/2024/DGE, Dated 26/09/2024 Transfer and postings of Heads of Departmental HS/AEO/TTIs and equated categories – Higher option allowed -orders issued. contact@kite. 2448/2022/GEDN തീയതി, 16-04-2022 GO. 9436/2021 filed by Shahul Hameed Sagheer V. pre primary teachers:govt orders related to appointment,qualification & salary etc of pre primary teachers in govt/aided schools: government employees eligible for special disability leave during journey to office :division bench dismisses government's appeal against kerala high court single bench judgment. of Kerala & ASAP : No. Notice - 2020 -21; Minutes (2020-21) Orders (2020-21) 16 An initiative of Dept of Higher Education, Govt. gov. 12-02-2021. e. Sreelatha M, Joint Secretary, Finance Department as Finance Officer in Centre for Continuing Education Kerala - Sanctioned - Orders Issued. 1114 Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. 162/2021/Fin Dated 02/12/2021,Due to the unprecedented COVID -19 pandemic and multiple natural calamities, the Third and Fourth installments of Arrears of Pension, Family Pension, DCRG and Terminal Surrender shall be disbursed in the financial years 2022-23 (third installment) and 2023-24 (fourth installment) Higher Education Department-OA(EKM) - 989/2024 number petition filed by Smt. No. ed, hindi teachers training, lttc and ttc counts for increment. 2293/2018/H. Notification 2021 3 Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. Government Order on the Recommendations of the Eleventh Pay Revision Commission on Revision of Pay and Allowances of State Government Employees and Teachers Pension Revision Order 2021 Kerala Government; Faculties in Homoeopathic Medical Education, Faculties in Govt. Circular – Transfer on Compassionate Ground -reg: 09-09-2021: QIP(1)/247365/2021/DGE. HSE Kerala. III2018-12-26: 24/12/2018: G. Kerala State Literacy Mission; കേരള മഹിളാ സമഖ്യ സൊസൈറ്റി ഹോം > Govt. Payment of Wages for Contract/Daily wages Employees on Quarantine Period -Clarification Circular HOT. Completed year of service includes periods spent on duty, periods of leave including LWA on MC, periods of suspension treated as duty / leave other than LWA and dies-non. 2022 മുതല് 31. Notice - 2020 Date : Government Order with Subject : 31/12/2018 : G. Polytechnic Colleges - rectifying deficiency of computers comply with AICTE requirements administrative sanction and purchase sanction accorded orders issued: 31/07/2018 : G. Scholarships. ker@gmail. സ Higher Secondary Education- Aided –Nominating Government Representative in the Selection Committee to be constituted for filling up HSST(Hindi-Jr) and HSST (Economics Jr) posts at KKMHigher Secondary School, Vandithavalam, Palakkad- Orders issued. O (Ms) No. 8581/2022/GEDN 27-12-2022 GO. 1914/2022/HEDN Higher Education Department -Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) - Considering ASAP Kerala as Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) of KIIFB works - Sanction accorded - Orders issued: 30/12/2022: G. 21376/2021 ന്മേലുള്ള Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. 2022 9)G. 2021 Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. കേരള ഹൈക്കോടതി മുമ്പാകെ ഫയല് ചെയ്ത wp(c) no. Abstract: Date: M2/268010/2021/DGE dtd 28. 2019 DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATION Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies Jawahar Sahakarana Bhavan DPI Junction, Thycaud P. ബി. The Society is fully owned by the Government of Kerala and established for printing the entire textbooks required by the school Higher Education Department - Notification for the promotion for the post of Principal in Government Polytechnic College: 07/08/2024 : G. Law College Ernakulam; Govt. 1 . I, Instructor in Physical Education, Government Polytechnic College, Kalamassery - Complied with - Orders issued. dated 13/10/2021. Shyla T. 1975 29. Anitha. സി OCTOBER- 2024: Date: Government Order with Subject: 31/10/2024: G. EDN Higher Education Department- Smt Anitha V S, Librarian Gr. 117/2016/Coop- Exemption Section 28(1)- Election on Ward Basis GO (MS) No. f 01/01/2004: 18/04/2020: സർവീസിൽ നിന്നും പെൻഷൻ ആയവർക്ക് പെൻഷൻ ആനുകൂ പാലക്കാട് ജില്ലയിലെ പന്തല്പാടം മേരിമാതാ ഹയര്സെക്കന്ററി സ്കൂളിലെ ഹയര്സെക്കന്ററി സ്കൂള് ടിച്ചര്(ഹിന്ദി) ശ്രീമതി. O. 01/02/2021 vide Order GO(P)No. (muouwo) ma. The appeal should be submitted within 15 days from the date of receipt of the order. in 2. GO RESET: Govt. O(Rt)No. (Ms)No. K beforethe Hon’ble High Court of Kerala – complied with – Orders issued. എയ്ഡഡ് – ഭിന്നശേഷി Read1Letter No. Category The KITE under General Education Department was set-up to augment the IT education in schools and also to enhance the quality of IT education towards a complete ICT enabled educational system. GO RESET: നമ്പര് : എച്ച് 2/295299/2021- ഡി. Transfer & Postings-HM/AEO Cadre-reg: 19-02-2021: 69 Date : Government Order with Subject : 30/12/2021: G. /Aided Polytechnic Colleges, dated 16. 711/2024/HEDN Higher Education Department -Private Aided Colleges - Modification G. 42/2021/Fin. G. 05. 109/2021/fin dt:20/11/2021. MALAYALAM. 2023 Vide the Notification read as 3 above, the UGC Regulations 2018 came into force. O Thiruvananthapuram -695014 Kerala Govt. Under Secretary: Smt. No. 2021 ORDER As per Government Orders read above, Government have revised pay and The Nodal Officer, www. 6530/2022/GEDN 07-11-2022 No. 2024-25 അധ്യയനവ interest at the current rate on State Government Employee Provident Fund (say. 25,000 on FACEBOOK:GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT SDRF/NDRF Norms Updated Guidelines for the damaged roads and bridges damaged due to natural calamity SDRF/NDRF Norms 2015-2020 Government Order (Released on 20/05/2015 applicable from 1st April 2015) SDRF/NDRF Norms 2015-2020 Annexure to the Government Order SDRF/NDRF Norms 2015-2020 – Declaration of Lightning, Coastal Erosion and ‘Strong This leave is earned at 20 days for each completed year of service. 83 MB. 7%) for 14 months on Rs. 463/68/Edn. Orders Circulars Page 8. Shahul Hameed Sagheer V. 124/2025/HEDN Higher Education Department-Mar Thoma College for Women, Perumbavoor - Renewal of NOC of self-financing courses for the academic years from 2021-22 to 2024-25 - Granted - Orders issued HTV:HEAD TEACHER VACANCY IN GOVT/AIDED SCHOOL: APPOINTMENT OF PROTECTED/DAILYWAGE TEACHERS :LETTER NO. 30 Crore (Rupees Thirty Seven Crore and Thirty Lakh only) accorded - Date: Government Order with Subject. 2 1 75/2022/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 01-04-2022. Letter No. 2180/2018/H. These are State Council for Open and Lifelong Education; Kerala State Literacy Mission Authority; Kerala Mahila Samakya Society; The State Resource Centre; The Kerala Bharat covid duty for govt employees and techers: revised govt order. (Ms) No. 182/2025/HEDN Higher Education Department-Deputation of Smt. 2025 Recommendations on the Revision of Pay & Allowances and Pension of the Employees of the High Court of Kerala. aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba Orders (2021-22) Plan 2020-21. (സാധാ) നം. a Committee to study outline for IHRD takeover of Munnar Engineering College functioning under Centre for Continuing Government Orders Home; Admin. Order as per the directions contained in the WP(C) 2440/2021 & connected cases, dated 05/06/2024: Higher Education Department-Deputation of Smt. vidyarangam circular vidyasahithi 2021-22-1 Download. EDN Higher Education Department -Govt Law Colleges - uploading caste details in Web portal - Noadal Officer appointed - orders issued ORDER No. 4917/2022/GEDN തീയതി 17-08-2022. pre primary teachers:govt സ്കൂള് ഉച്ച ഭക്ഷണ പദ്ധതി -2021 – 2022 സാമ്പത്തിക വര്ഷം സംസ്ഥാനം ചെലവഴിച്ച തുക -കേന്ദ്ര വിഹിതം തിരികെ നല്കിയതും (reimbursement)- സംസ്ഥാന Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. /Aided The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. 0471-2320714; directorhse. 27977/2021 മേലുള്ള 07/12/2021 ലെ GO. 32/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department-UGC Scheme - Revision of Scale of Pay of Teachers in Universities GO. Law College Kozikkode; Kerala State Commonpool Library Service; General matters relating to All India Council for Technical Education in respect of Government Engineering Colleges under the Technical Education Department. Kerala School Kalolsavam is a festival unique in its structure and organisation. 4863/2023/GEDN തീയതി 26-08-2023. 3876/2023/DGE തീയതി,തിരുവനന്തപൂരം, 30-06-2023. Colleges Dated : 02/09/2021 7) This Office Proceedings No. (അച്ചടി) നം. A3/6827/2021 dated 31. Abstract: Date: നം:ഡിട/07/2023/ഡി. Minister for General Education; Principal Secretary – General Education; Govt. foreign visit sanction accorded orders issued: 2019-07-04: 03/07/2019: G. 27/2021/Fin dated 10. പാലക്കാട് Zain R, Senior Librarian, Govt. 9436/2021 filed by The Hon’ble High Court of Kerala in its Judgment dated 09. Shamla A. 1662/2022/HEDN dtd. O, Mankada, Malappuram – Granted – Orders issued. GE10/A/GI. Polytechnic College, Attingal probation declared in the post of Librarian Gr. Notice - 2020 -21; Minutes (2020-21) Orders (2020-21) Higher Education Department-Technical Education - Annual Plan 2019-20 Govt Polytechnic Colleges - various works Administrative sanction & purchase sanction Circular No. at the same time, those who have entered on the leave before 24. 2021 of the Director, Directorate of Minority Welfare , Thiruvananthapuram 3:Application dated 23. 26-09-2024 Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. (Rt)No. 189/2025/Fin: 07-01-2025 Date : Government Order with Subject : 16/12/2023: G. ഉ. Committees and Minutes. 2021 , ORDER As per the Government Orders read as I st and and 2nd above, Government have implemented GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department-Minority Status to De Paul Arts & Science College, Edathotty, Kannur- Sanctioned - Orders issued. 2018 22. Enhanced daily wages rate of various categories w. ,ബഹു. O( Rt)No:1374/2021/H. O No. Notice - 2020 Prasanth V. College for Women TVPM 47686404. 11/09/2018: G. Higher Education Department -Govt Law Colleges - uploading caste details in Web portal - Noadal Officer appointed - 5) Letters of the Accountant General, Kerala, Kottayam 6) Letters of the Principals of Govt. SCERT Building, Poojappura, Trivandrum, Kerala-695012 +91 471 2529800. Abstract: Date: Order No. Abstract: Date: സ. College, Kasargode 601000 19. 29/2021/Fin dated 11/02/2021. 589/2021/HEDN Govt. O(Ms)709/2024/ HEDN Dated : 27-12-2024 - Modified - Orders issued: 27/12/2024: G. GO. GO RESET: ഫയല് ചെയ്തു റിട്ട് ഹര്ജി നം. P. 7978/2023/GEDN തീയതി,തിരുവനന്തപുരം, 14-12-2023. 24/2022/P&ARD . Orders Circulars Page 18. 2005,w. എല്. There is no provision for a second appeal. 8. 2023 This Order is made available in the Department website (www. 23488/2021 kerala state government provident fund and other similar provident funds - interest rates on deposits from 1st april 2022 to 30th june 2022 - issued by order. Minister for General Education; Principal Secretary – General Education; DGE Office; മലയാളം; Home > Circulars > Circular – Vidyarangam vidyasahithi -2021-22. 2023 Govt College, Required score. 01/12/2018 : G. 2. 2021-03-19: 16/03/2021: G. The "Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009" stipulates that if an LP school has more than 150 children and a UP school has more than 100 children, Circular No. Orders Circulars Page 13. Orders Circulars Page 23. Inter district transfer 2020-21 – reg Kerala State Literacy Mission; ഹോം > Govt. Copy may be downloaded and used for all official Prof. ) in Fathima Memorial Higher Secondary School, Karinkallathani, Palakkad- Orders issued. Finance is one of the departments which implemented e-office for the first time and migrated fully to e-Office within record GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department - WP (C) No. 2021 in W. Orders (2021-22) Plan 2020-21. Government are pleased to order the revision of Pension and other retirement benefits of following categories Part I : Service Pension & Family Pension 1. 1919/2023/HEDN Higher Education Department-Collegiate Education - Establishment-Thripunithura Govt. College English Department Assistant Professor Smt. പ്രൊഫ. സി. EDN Higher Education Department-Govt Law College Thrissur - Annual Plan 2019-20 Administrative sanction for schemes orders issued Higher Education Department -Extension of deputation of Smt. El. 2016 1. C issued for conducting Self- Financing -Un aided courses in Th Kerala Books and Publications Society is registered under the Travancore - Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Society Kbps, printing, tender, Kakkanad, Press, Government press printing, Books, Not bools, School Bookregistration Act, 1955. in detail ( Expect Malayalam, Hindi, Music, Arabic , Islamic History and Education ) After 598999 26. 35/2021/Fin Dated 15/04/2021, the frozen DA/DR w. 2021-02-11: Report of The XI Pay Revision Commission, Kerala Part- I Dated 29-01-2021 Pay & Allowances and Pension of the State Government Employees. . സ. L. Date: Subject: Language: Download: OCTOBER- 2024: Date: Government Order with Subject: 31/10/2024: G. EDUCATION 0471-2303548 dir. Govt. 318/2018/HEDN Higher Education Department-NOC for starting the UGC assisted B. 180/2025/HEDN Higher Education Department-Correction of GO (Rt) No:1333/2024/HEDN dated 25-10-2024 - Orders Issued. 120/2021/FIN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 13/10/2021 GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department -Appointments in Aided Institutions-Reservation for Persons With Disabilities - Orders Issued GENERAL EDUCATION (J) DEPARTMENT G. 1912/2022/HEDN Higher Education Govt. 2022 to 08. The organisational set up from school level to Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. Date: Orders: Complete DA Chart w. Notice - 2020 [Govt Order] Transfer and posting of Principals in Government Higher Secondary Schools - Orders Issued. Higher Education Department -Govt Law Colleges - uploading caste details in Web portal - Noadal Officer appointed - Appointing Kerala Financial Corporation as the agent of the State Government, under section 25(I)(e) of SFCs act 1951, for providing financial assistance to Industrials Concerns, MSMEs and State PSUs for discounting Promisory Notes / Bills issued by the State Government and its agencies - Orders - Issued. 1489/2018/H. College Kottayam 616479 16. Asokakumari. 02. Proceedings – SSLC Exam – Seventh List: No. Jan 18, 2025 Higher Education Department - Lasya College of Fine Arts, Pilathara, Kannur – NOC – Modified – Government Orders issued. 1 lakh, the second instalment of Rs. 2005 Nil 29. എല്. Minister for General Education DDE Offices; DEO Offices; AEO Offices; Language. 07/11/2022 Replies from Govt are given through e-mail - Orders issued. Abstract: Date: C3/6378/2021/DGE DTD. (11) The second sentenee of the 1st paragraph is modified as "As per tne letters read as 3r paper above, the Director of Collegiate Education has Orders (2021-22) Plan 2020-21. ഇ തീയതി : 17/06/2023. സ്കൂള് ഉച്ച ഭക്ഷണ State Council for Open and Lifelong Education; Kerala State Literacy Mission Authority; Kerala Mahila Samakya Society; Home > Govt. 49/2016/Coop dated 16/12/2016 – Rule Governing the Share Capital Limit of Educational Cooperative Societies – Amendment Pay Revision to Urban Bank GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract Revision of pay & allowances and allied matters of State Government employees and Teachers –Recommendations of XI Pay Revision Commission – Implementation – Orders issued FINANCE (PRC-D) DEPARTMENT G. 10/2025/GEDN തീയതി,തിരുവനന്തപുരം, 10. 19/2021/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 08/11/2021 Read1G. 118/MSC/2020/MWD dated 25. Edn dated13/10/2021 GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract Higher Education Department - Collegiate Education - Four Year Under Graduate Programme- Government/Aided Arts and Science colleges - Functioning of colleges - Number of working days and working hours - modified -orders issued. Seniority list of Junior supdts reg: 18-06-2021: A1/573/2021/DGE. 2021 14 Dr. of Kerala designed and developed by approval of seniority list of aided school for the year 2023-24:clarification from dge:letter no. S. 50/2016/Coop- Cooperative Employees- 4th Time bound Higher Grade- Sanction Order -17/12/2016 GO(P) No. Ms. Muraleedharan N, Deputy Superintendent of Police : 06-10-2021 : Read Higher Education (F) Department: Additional Secretary: Shri. 2021: 08/06/2021: ബഹു. 68 ordered, among other things, that for the grant of higher scales of pay ( in the case of Government School ) approved service in aided schools will be counted on the condition that the service should be approved and continuous and there should not be break for more than a kerala state government provident fund and other similar provident funds - interest rates on deposits from 1st april 2022 to 30th june 2022 - issued by order. If any amount drawn by the incumbent by this Order is found to be in excess due to mistake or any 592113 22. കേരള ഹൈക്കോടതി Kerala Books and Publications Society is registered under the Travancore - Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Society Kbps, printing, tender, Kakkanad, Press, Government press printing, Books, Not bools, School Bookregistration Act, 1955. dated 26. എസ് -ന് ഭരണാനുമതി Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. h2/1374/2025 dt:04/02/2025 the provision of 8 month service for claiming vacation salary as per rule 49,chapter xiva is not applicable in case of non teaching staff:govt clarification :go(ms)19/2025/gedn dt:27/01/2025 implementation of circular no. Vision and Mission; Director’s Desk Higher Education Department-Deputation of Smt. the division bench refused to intervene in the single bench judgment:judgement dt: 23/11/2021 in wa 1409/2021 filed by state govt of kerala primary hm promotion : kat stay Higher Education Department -Extension of deputation of Smt. 0 towns - Sanction accorded - orders issued ഹോം > Govt. 2020, 29. III, Govt. ഹൈസ്കൂൾ ടീച്ചർ –സംസ്ഥാനതല Date : Government Order with Subject : 14/03/2025: G. Notice - 2020 GO. Appendices 31 – 41 - Related Govt Orders & Circulars Appendix 42 - Other Telephone Numbers. 15411/2021- ന്മേല് ബഹു. 3072/2022/GEDN തീയതി 19-05-2022. GO ഫയല് ചെയ്ത റിട്ട് ഹര്ജി നം. Abstract: Date: ഡി ജി ഇ/15759/2022- എച്ച് 2-part(2) പൊതുവിദ്യാഭ്യാസ ഡയറക്ടറുടെ ORDER No. in. /618 dated 26/10/2022 from the Accountant General (A&E) Branch Office, Kottayam ORDER As per Government Orders read I st and 2nd above, Government had clarified / regulated certain common issues connected with the implementation The Directorate is envisaged as a central agency of the state government seeking to promote all round development in Higher Secondary Education by establishing appropriate philosophies, adequate institutional network, effective administrative systems and well-qualified and motivated staff necessary to carryout academic and administrative SDRF/NDRF Norms SDRF/NDRF NORMS-2020- Covid 19(Released on 17/03/2020) SDRF/NDRF Norms 2015-2020 - Declaration of Heat Wave , Sunstroke and Sunburn as State Specific Disaster(Released on 9/3/2019) GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department -Appointments in Aided Institutions-Reservation for Persons With Disabilities - Orders Issued GENERAL EDUCATION (J) DEPARTMENT G. Orders Circulars Page 14. 2021 of the Director of General Education, Thiruvananthapuram 6G. Brennen College , Thalassery 601172 29. പി. NCW Women Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. Abstract: Date: A3/25537/2024/DGE dtd 10. Asha Rani as Assistant in Kerala State Higher Education Council for a period of one year from 04-01-2021 AN - Sanctioned - Orders issued. E dated 13. Government Order with Subject: 31/07/2018 : G. Abstract: Date: SY(1)/234186/2021/DGE. LPSTUPST Category Change Download. , Divisional Accounts Officer (Higher Grade), Kerala General Service may be appointed as Divisional Accounts Officer at Kerala University Engineering Unit for a period of one year on Government Order with Subject: 29/12/2023: G. Thomas V. 29/12/2017: G. തൃശ്ശൂര്,കോട്ടപ്പുറം WP (C) No. 0 02/07/2021: Minutes of meeting convened by Hon'ble Minister for Higher Education held on 02. ടി Government Orders 2021 onwards; Government Orders 2011 – 2020; Government Orders 2001 – 2010; Government Orders 1991 – 2000; DCA and Business Management course with typewriting an Electronic Typewriting as compulsory subject as equivalent to Kerala Govt Technical Education certificate in English Typewriting(Lower) MS SERIES: GO(MS)No Government Orders read as 2nd above, EDUCATION 0471-2303548 dir. Government Orders; കേരള സര്ക്കാറിന്റെ പ്രോഗ്രസ് റിപ്പോര്ട്ട് -May2016-May 2019 ബഡ്ജറ്റ് വിഹിതം 2021-22 - എറിയാട് ഗ്രാമ പഞ്ചായത്ത് - 2020-21 സാമ്പത്തിക വര് 3) Government, after having examined the matter in detail, are pleased to issue the following regulations which will be applicable to the staff in Universities and affiliated Colleges under Higher Education, Faculties in Law Colleges, Govt. 589/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department-Technical Education - Annual Plan 2021-22 - Purchase of Desktop Computers, Laptops etc in respect of various Government Polytechnic Colleges - “Education should be imparted with a view to the type of society that we wish to build. College, Manimalakunnu 60159511. 07/02 Date : Government Order with Subject : 08/10/2021 : G. The Pay Revision Commission submitted its report to Government regarding the revision of pay and allowances of posts under Universities except those covered by UGC/AICTE/Central Schemes on 23. f 01/01/2020 and 01/07/2020 for all Employees and Pensioners (UGC/AICTE /Medical Education) who are drawing ugc scale will be granted DA/DR only 14 765/2021 Automobile Mechanic Palakkad-1 15 766/2021 Electronics & Instrumentation Kozhikode-1 Kannur-1 16 767/2021 Sheet Metal Wayanad-1 17 768/2021 Masonary Kannur-1 Note : (i) Conventional type applications for the above post will be summarily rejected. 2020-11-20 Appointment of the Planner Consultant for the preparation of GIS- based Master Plans for AMRUT 2. Notice - 2020 -21; Minutes (2020-21) . 88/2021/G. 12/99/P&ARD dated 24/05/1999 - Public service - scheme for compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Govt. finance. മലയാളം; Home > GO > Govt. Sponsoring of candidate Home > Circulars > Probation declaration in the cadre of JS and equated categories – Orders issued Fisheries & Ports Department - Kerala University of Fisheries & Ocean Studies-Release of 1st Instalment of Non-Plan Grant-in-Aid for the year 2019-20-Sanctioned-Orders Issued. HPL is granted eitheron private affairs or on Medical Certificate. 627/2022/HEDN Higher Education Department –Self Orders (2021-22) Plan 2020-21. Edn Higher Education Department-Proposed Chief Minister's portal for project monitoring and co-ordination- GO(MS) No. Download. Orders Circulars Page 7. 7311/2022/GEDN 26-11-2022. GENERAL EDUCATION(F)DEPARTMENT Order No. Riyasudeen M. Complete Arrear Details after pay revision 2004 (Click order No for Downloading the order) Orders (2021-22) Plan 2020-21. F1 5Letter No. O (P) No. We are working for a modern democracy built on the values of human dignity and equality. Technical Committee:Evaluation of IT Proposals in Higer Education aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. 2024. 2021 11 Binoy K Physical Education Govt. Law College Thrissur; Govt. ഇ 13. G. Physical Education Govt. സര്ക്കാര് ഏറ്റെടുത്ത File No. 201804. 07/11/2022 Government Orders - 2021. Minister for General Education; Principal Secretary – General Education; Directorate of General Education; Regional Deputy Directors; Assistant Directors; Deputy Court Cases - Order dated 10-02-2022 in OA 2280/2019 filed by Dr. and others - Complied with - Orders issued. 228523/2021/dge. GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract - Order Issued GENERAL EDUCATION (SC) DEPARTMENT ORDER Smt. 2021-12-02: 01/12/2021: G. 27/2021/Fin Dated,Thiruvananthapuram,10/02/2021 Read: 1. Many third part extensions also can be searched by the search comp aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. 5899/2021/Fin: 08/09/2021: PRISM- Pensioner Information System - Kerala General Services -List of RA (Receiving Authority), HoD (Head of Department), PSA ( Pension Sanctioning Authority) - Orders Govt have clarified vide circular No. No: Order No. As per the Government Orders read as 2nd above, Government have implemented UGC 7th scheme in the State. Transfer & Postings-HM/AEO Cadre-reg: 19-02-2021: 69/2021/GEDN Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. 27/2021/Fin നമ്പർ ഉത്തരവ് പ്രകാരം സർക്കാ Higher Education Department - Kerala State Higher Education Council Annual Plan 2020-21 Administrative sanction for schemes accorded orders issued: 26/06/2020 : G. Candidates shall apply online only through online facility 2. 14/12/2021 : G. UGC Cell 2/15816/20 19/C. pre primary teachers:govt orders related to appointment,qualification & salary etc of pre primary teachers in govt/aided schools: 2018-12-28 : 24/12/2018: G. Consequently, Govt. 237/2019/HEDN Higher Education Department-Govt Law College, Ernakulm Annual Plan 2019-20 Administrative sanction for schemes orders issued: 29/10/2019 : G. 1/2013/SJD dated 3/1/2013 Date : Government Order with Subject : 16/12/2023: G. പാലക്കാട് Govt. Orders Circulars Page 9. Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. 3. 9436/2021 filed by Shri. എസ്. 2831/2021/Home dated16/10/2021 : Home Department – Police Establishment Transfer and Posting of Officer in the cadre of Deputy Superintendent Police/ Assistant Commissioner of Police-Orders issued : 16/10/2021 : Read More # GO(Rt)No. 1605/2021/HEDN Circular No. collegiateedu. Abstract: Date: m. y2/661885/2022/dge dt:15/09/2022 substantive vacancy to the post would arise only on the actual date of retirement of headmaster and not on date the headmaster availed Education, Faculties in Homoeopathic Medical Education, Faculties in Govt. HSE Transfer Portal Transfer Notifications. 2022 ORDER Dated:15. 627/2022/HEDN Higher Education Department –Self promotion from higher time scale of pay to lower time scale:rule 37(b) fixation:protection of increment in lower scale:case study:go(rt)8037/2024/gedn dt:12/11/2024 EDUCATION 0471-2303548 dir. 2025- merged Download NCW Women Helpline 7827-170-170 Date : Government Order with Subject : 30/12/2022 : G. the division bench refused to intervene in the single bench judgment:judgement dt: 23/11/2021 in wa 1409/2021 filed by state govt of kerala primary hm promotion : kat stay Higher Education Department-Deputation of Smt. Voc courses for the academic year 2018-1931/12/2018 : G. EDN Higher Education Department -Administrative sanction for the Orders (2021-22) Plan 2020-21. 375/2021/DMD dated 19/04/2021. 2012 2G. ()GO(P)No. 4311/2021 filed by Smt. സുനില്ദത്ത് എസ്. /Aided Polytechnic Colleges, Teachers in Physical Education and Qualified Librarians as per 7th UGC/AICTE Regulations - Common Issues - Regulating - Orders Issued FINANCE (PRC-C) DEPARTMENT G. Orders Circulars Page 32. HE DN-C 3/151/2020-HE DN modilications to the Govecrnment order read as 4 paper above are ordered. 22. Home > Govt. of Kerala designed and developed by Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. 1115/2019/H. 470/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department-Government Engineering College, Kannur - Purchase of 21 Nos of Computers, 16 Nos of Laptops & 1 Printer - Revised Administrative Sanction and Purchase Sanction accorded - Orders GOVERNMENT OF KERALA NOTIFICATION 2021 EXAMINATION SEPTEMBER 2021 DIRECTORATE OF GENERAL EDUCATION (HIGHER SECONDARY WING), HOUSING BOARD BUILDINGS, SANTHI NAGAR, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM – 695 001. O R D E R In the Government Order read 6th above, Government have issued orders revising existing scales of pay with effect from 01/07/2019. DISASTER MANAGEMENT (A) Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. Notice - 2020 The search component proviedes basic search functionality for the information contained in your core components. 18/2020/HEdn dated 28/05/2020 is incorporated as the 4 item in the 'Read' portion of the Government Order. Orders Circulars Page 19. 2022. conduct of State Eligibility Test (SET) Examination, July 2022- prospectus approved-orders issued Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. 7. Orders and Circulars. എ Orders (2021-22) Plan 2020-21. P (C) No. 2021-01-29: G. 2021 ,16. C1/115/2018/HEDN Higher Education Department - Government Law Colleges - Online transfer of faculty for the Academic Year 2020-21 -Instructions - Reg Higher Education Department-Deputation of Smt. 2023 വരെ ഓണ്ലൈന് (സ്കോര് OU-University of Kerala- COVID 19- Functioning of Secreteriat and other Government offices with 100% attendance- Implementation of Government orders- Sanctioned - Orders Issued ↓ Click Here | Order No : 2944/2020/UOK | Dated : 23. GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract Disaster Management Department - Covid 19 - Surge in positive cases - Restrictions for the effective containment of Covid 19 - orders issued. GO RESET: — കോണ്ഫിഡന്ഷ്യല് റിപ്പോര്ട്ടുകള് 2021 GO. Notice - 2020 -21; Minutes (2020-21) Orders (2020-21) Higher Education Department-UGC Scheme Govt College Teachers Screening Committee / Empowered Committee meeting TA/DA in respect of subject Experts sanctioned Kerala State Literacy Mission; കേരള മഹിളാ സമഖ്യ സൊസൈറ്റി ഹോം > Govt. AIDED TO GOVT GRADE: Government have in G. 634/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department -NOC for conducting self financing B. vide G. EXCEL FORMAT DOWNLOAD; PDF FORMAT DOWNLOAD; This file also contains details regarding exact date of the withdrawal of merged dearness allowance from GPF accounts. 61/2012/SWD dated 17. O, Mankada, Malappuram – Granted - Orders issued. 2007 Nil 04. 49/2016/Coop dated 16/12/2016 – Rule Governing the Share Capital Limit of Educational Cooperative Societies – Amendment Pay Revision to Urban Bank EDUCATION 0471-2303548 dir. (Rt) 415/2021/DMD Dated 14/05/2021 (6 of 1994), the Government of Kerala hereby declare the services connected with the following to be essential services for the purposes of the said Act. 01. Pushpaletha. 317/2018/HEDN Higher Education Department- Renewal of NOC for conducting self financing courses in Naipunnya School of Management, Cherthala for Date: Government Order with Subject. Notice - 2020 Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. 2021 5 Rajeevan P Mathematics Govt. 21/12/2016: G. Arts & Science College Kozhokode aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba ALL-TIME DEARNESS ALLOWANCE ORDERS . റിന്സി മയ്യനാട് ഹയര് സെക്കണ്ടറി സ്കൂളില് നിന്നും വിരമിച്ച ശ്രീ. (Rt) No. Notice - 2020 Official Web Portal of Kerala Local Government, Government of Kerala, Owned by Local Self Government Department, Developed by Information Kerala Mission Powered by Samveditha Ver 3. Notification- D. DDE Offices; DEO Offices; AEO Offices; Language. സര്ക്കുലര് – നാഷണല് മീന്സ് – കം – മെരിറ്റ് സ്കോളര്ഷിപ്പ് (2021-22) അപേക്ഷകള് സമര് Circular No. go(rt)412/2021/dmd dt:12/05/2021 Government/Government Aided Schools will be allowed Grade Promotions as Grade I, Senior Grade and Selection Grade on completion of 8,15 and 22 years of service respectively as LPSA/UPSA. റിന്സി Government Orders. 10-12-2021: Order No. 21 11th Kerala Pay Revision Report പരിഷ്കരിച്ച പെന്ഷന് 2021 ഏപ്രില് ഒന്ന് മുതല് നല്കി തുടങ്ങും. Forwarded [By order GO. : circular no. the division bench refused to intervene in the single bench judgment:judgement dt: 23/11/2021 in wa 1409/2021 filed by state govt of kerala primary hm promotion : kat stay Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. 2022 from Deputy Director of General Education, Idukki. Orders Circulars Page 20. V. 2006 - GO(Rt)No. Order as per the directions contained in the WP(C) 2440/2021 & connected cases, dated 05/06/2024 GO(MS) 7-2025-GEDN,09. of Kerala designed and developed by Government Order No-50/91/STDD dated, Thiruvananthapuram 3/12/91 Before 2010 The Scheduled Tribes Development Department in Kerala is committed to the welfare and upliftment of the state's tribal communities 10/02/2021 തിയ്യതിയിലെ GO(P) No. Related Govt Orders & Circulars Appendix 43 - Other Telephone Numbers. : 31/10/2022: G. 2007 Aided Service ( 15. O R D E R. 06/02/2025 Kerala State Literacy Mission; ഹോം > Govt. 06/02/2025 Government Orders read as 2nd above, after 18. Notice - 2020 -21; Minutes (2020-21) Orders (2020-21) Plan 2019-20. . kerala. Official Web Portal of Kerala Local Government, Government of Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. 629/2022/HEDN Higher Education Department – Renewal of NOC of self-fiancing courses in MES Arts & Science College, Angadippuram, Perinthalmanna, Malappuram for the academic year 2021-22 - Granted - Orders issued: 24/12/2022 : G. All Examination Academics Career Guidance NSS Administration Finance Transfer Notifications News OTHERS # FINAL GENERAL TRANSFER (2021-22) Download View 2: Transfer 02-09-2021: 221: Read l. If any amount drawn by the incumbent by this Order is found to be in excess due to mistake or any other reason, noticed later, he/she would be liable to refund the amount so received in lump As per the Government Orders read as 1st and 2nd above , Government Kerala. IED/228251/2021/DGE dtd 30. Home About Us Circulars & Orders Vision Mission Resources Academics FINAL GENERAL TRANSFER (2021-22) 11th Pay Revision Order GO(P) No. Circular – E- language lab software based training -Directions: 22-02-2021: D1/11691/2019/DGE. 2742/2021/Home : Posting of Sri. : 31/08/2021 : G. Abstract: Date: G. NS(4)/266892/2021/DGE dtd 02. Edn Higher Education Department-Renewal N. ഹെഡ്മാസ്റ്റർ/അസിസ്റ്റന്റ് The rules regarding the approval of appointment are given in Rule 8 Chapter XIV A of KER. Government order on the recommendations of the tenth pay revision commission on revision of pay and allowances of state government employees and Kerala, God’s own country is also a country of diverse festivals. e-Office project was approved by the Kerala Government in August 2013 to automate file flow in all 42 departments at Kerala Government Secretariat. , Divisional Accounts Officer (Higher Grade), Kerala General Service may be appointed as Divisional Accounts Officer at Kerala University Engineering Unit for a period of one year on Higher Education Department -Extension of deputation of Smt. Search. 39 . 2007 Nil 22. Edn dated 18. കോണ്ഫിഡന്ഷ്യല് റിപ്പോര്ട്ടുകള് 2021 മാമ്പലായും 01. Ed -(Gen. Orders Circulars. Order-LPST/UPST Category Change. 2021 GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department – State Syllabus - Recognition to Ma'din Public School, Kadannamanna. Vishnuja Mohan, Naveen House, Nariampara P. 710/2024/HEDN Higher Education Department -Renewal of NOC of self-financing courses in JDT Islam College of Arts Higher Education Department-Technical- Order of Hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal dated 19-03-2019 in T. 2020-11-20 Circular No. 2023. Higher Education Department - Government Law College, Ernakulam-Annual Plan 2020-21 Administrative Sanction for Schemes- Orders issued. എ. No : DCETVM/21021/2019-UGC Cell 5 & 23-01-2025: Section UGC: View or Download: 2: Placement Order - Professor (AL 14) - Social Science subjects: No : DCETVM/10466/2024-UGC Cell 1 & 03-01 Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. EDN Higher Education Department-Technical Annual Plan 2018-19 - Govt. Harikumar G. GO RESET: 2021-22 അക്കാദമിക വര്ഷത്തെ എസ്. 1972 Industries Department - Proposal of Kerala Cashew Board Ltd (KCB Ltd) - Import of Raw Cashew Nut for 2021-22 under H/A 6860-60-190-78 - Loans to Kerala Cashew Board Ltd - Administrative Sanction for Rs. EDN Higher Education Department- Dr. 1. Section Officer: Smt. DEO Offices; AEO Offices; Language. GO സമര്പ്പിച്ച റിട്ട് ഹര്ജി നം. Higher Secondary Education- Aided –Nominating Government Representative in the Selection Committee to be constituted for appointing HSST(Chemistry-Jr) at Puliyamparamb HSS, Kodunthirappully, Palakkad- Orders issued. Transfer & Postings SS Cadre -reg: 21-02-2021: D5/266/2021/DGE. in 9 Arif Khan L Physical Education Govt. 57,529. 1/2013/SJD dated 3/1/2013 kerala state government provident fund and other similar provident funds - interest rates on deposits from 1st april 2022 to 30th june 2022 - issued by order. CIN GO. Click Here: Health & Family Welfare Department – Medical Education Service – Private Practice banned in Government Dental Colleges in the state – Orders issued As per the Government Orders read as 1st and 2nd above , Government EDUCATION 0471-2303548 dir. College of Teacher Education, Kozhikode - Orders issued. 1939/2019/H. 27/2021/Fin dated 10/02/2021. Recognition to Ma’din Public School, Kadannamanna. 2020 special leave for covid 19:clarification: govt letter no. 2294/2018/H. dated 19/10/2022. HIGHER EDUCATION (F) DEPARTMENT ORDER OCTOBER- 2024: Date: Government Order with Subject: 31/10/2024: G. 16/09/2018: GO(P)No 146/2018/Fin Pay and Pension Revision 2014 - Payment of Fourth Instalment of Arrears - Orders Issued. GO(Rt)No. 2006 Nil Nil 21. GO(Rt)No. Orders Circulars Page 40. in 1. ജോസഫ് മുണ്ടശ്ശേരി ഹോം > Govt. 2007 Nil 11. 08. Law College Kozikkode; Kerala State Commonpool Library Service; Kerala State Science and Technology Museum Orders (2021-22) Plan 2020-21. Ministerial Gazetted -Full Addl Charge-reg: D1/1978/2021/DGE. 07. Notice - 2020 -21; Minutes (2020-21) Orders (2020-21) Higher Education Department-Technical Education - Annual Plan 2019-20 Govt Polytechnic Colleges - various works Administrative sanction & purchase sanction shifting of lpst/upst post: govt permission to category change of lpst/upst posts: go(rt)275/2021/gedn dt:06/12/2021 ISSUE OF TEMPORARY FITNESS CERTIFICATE TO SCHOOL:PERMISSION: Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. 10. (P)No. 2020-11-20 Higher Education Department- Enhancement of Special Allowances of Principals of Polytechnic Colleges - Modification made in the Government Order, GO (Ms)97/2021/HEDN dated 16-02-2021 - Orders issued. കോണ്ഫിഡന്ഷ്യല് റിപ്പോര്ട്ടുകള് 2021 മാമ്പലായും 01012022 മുതല് 31. O (MS) 15/2019/F&P 29/05/2019 7)UGC Placement Guidelines 2021 8)Selection Committee meeting held on 04. Prakasan D. D4/2798/2022/DGE, Dated : 18/01/2024. Sl. Ed course in Navajyothi College of Teacher Education for Women, Olarikkara, Thrissur for the academic year 2021-22- Renewed - Orders Issued. dated 26/02/2021. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; GO/Circulars; Directories. ഉന്നത Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. K-TET (Kerala Teachers Eligibility Test)പരീക്ഷയില് SC/ST, OBC വിഭാഗങ്ങള്ക്ക് നല്കുന്ന മാര്ക്ക് ഇളവുകള്ക്ക് GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract Revision of pay & allowances and allied matters of State Government employees and Teachers –Recommendations of XI Pay Revision Commission – Implementation – Orders issued FINANCE (PRC-D) DEPARTMENT G. 30/2023/HEDN Higher Education SSLC Exam – Special order & Correction list: No. Sumam John and Smt. 1620/2022/HEDN Higher Education Department -Technical Education - Order dated 09-02-2022 in OA EKM) 58/2022 filed by Sri. 19/2024/HEDN Higher Education Department -Collegiate Education - Establishment - Private Aided Colleges - Direct appointment of UGC Librarians - Upper age limit is regularised as 50 years - Orders issued Date : Government Order with Subject : 30/12/2022 : G. in Stock File/Office copy. Click Here. 2021. 3650/2023/GEDN തീയതി, 19-06-2023. 638/2023/HEDN Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. , Divisional Accounts Officer (Higher Grade), Kerala General Service may be appointed as Divisional Accounts Officer at Kerala University Engineering Unit for a period of one year on Higher Education Department-Deputation of Smt. of Kerala designed and developed by 23-02-2021: No. 1369/2024/HEDN Higher Education Department-Kerala University - Sri. 06/02/2025 Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. 2021 10 Babitha Mathews Physical Education TM Jacob Memorial Govt. : 30/12/2021: G. Minister for General Education Govt. 03. 1976 21. Online Transfer 2020: 22 Date : Government Order with Subject : 08/10/2021 : G. 870/2022/GEDN തീയതി 15-02-2022 kerala state government provident fund and other similar provident funds - interest rates on deposits from 1st april 2022 to 30th june 2022 - issued by order. ജി. Circular – Vidyarangam vidyasahithi -2021-22. 1732/2012 filed by Sri. 2. 14/11/2023 : G. H2/27839/2017/DPI DT:25/04/2017. Orders Circulars Page 3. 2024 - Instruction follows - Orders issued. pre primary teachers:govt orders related to appointment,qualification & salary etc of pre primary teachers in govt/aided schools: go(ms)385 government employees eligible for special disability leave during journey to office :division bench dismisses government's appeal against kerala high court single bench judgment. Important Government Order Related to Library Service. 11. ഉ(ആര്. the division bench refused to intervene in the single bench judgment:judgement dt: 23/11/2021 in wa 1409/2021 filed by state govt of kerala primary hm promotion : kat stay vacated by honourable Circular No. 2300/2017/H. മലയാളം; Govt. This Order is subject to verification of the Accountant General Kerala concerned for issuing pay slips. 2018 21. 31/2023/HEDN Higher Education Department -Collegiate Education - Establishment - Upper age limit for appointment of Assistant Professor in various Universities and Government Aided Colleges of the state to 50 years - as amended - Orders issued: 16/12/2023: G. Bijimol K Chacko. , Head Accountant, Kunnamkulam Government Polytechnic College before the Hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal - Order dated 12. O read 4th above issued orders revising the scale of pay of employees with effect from 01-07-2019 as in lwa availed by teachers for completion of training courses such as b. 16568/2021- മേല് ഹൈക്കോടതി Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. Date : Government Order with Subject : 31/12/2024: G. (P). 4957/2021/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 03/11/2021 02-11-21 [Govt Order] School-Building-Temporary fitness-instructions. 4. C before the Hon’ble High Court – Judgment Complied with – Orders Issued: 01-04-2022: C . D1/14036/2019/DGE dtd 02. Vide G. 12. In the Government Order read 6th above, Government have issued orders revising existing scales of pay in respect of University Employees with effect from 01/07/2019. 06. Abstract: Date: retirement on 2021 – reg: C3/19817/2019/DGE. Minister for General Education; Principal Secretary – General Education; DGE Office; DDE Offices; DEO Offices; AEO Offices; Language. Law Colleges, Trivandrum; Govt. 6 /2018/lTD Electronics & Informat Toggle navigation. (Rt) 1776/2021/LSGD Dated 16/09/2021 Ist instalment of Central Assistance to Social Audit Unit under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA for the year 2021-22 for conduction and staffing of independent social audit Unit-Release of funds-Sanction accorded-orders issued. 1653/2023/GEDN തീയതി, തിരുവനന്തപുരം, 01-03-2023 Circular No. Higher Education Department Portal of Govt. This Order is made available in the Department website (www. in). dma2/263/2022 dt:29/04/2022 covid-19 containment measures in force under the dm act ordered by the government- rescinded with immediate effect:go(rt)328/2022/dmd G. Government are now pleased to order the Revision of Pension and other retirement benefits of following categories: Covid 19-Containment activities Second phase lockdown in the State from 16th May-2021-to 23rd May 2021 Orders issued. Copy may be Higher Education Department -Kerala State Science and Technology Musium - amendment of the clause (ix) of Govt order issued in the revision of pay and allowances of the Officers orders issued: 12/07/2019 : G. 1619/2022/HEDN Higher Education Department -Starting of Mini പാലക്കാട് ജില്ലയിലെ പന്തല്പാടം മേരിമാതാ ഹയര്സെക്കന്ററി സ്കൂളിലെ ഹയര്സെക്കന്ററി സ്കൂള് ടിച്ചര്(ഹിന്ദി) ശ്രീമതി. 06/02/2025 GO(MS) No. 5074/2022/Fin (PSA) in General Education (Vocational Higher Secondary) - Orders issued: GO(Rt) No. ഉ. മലയാളം; English; Skip to content. Orders. 57/2019/Fin Dated 13-05-2019 DECEMBER - 2022: Date: Government Order with Subject: 30/12/2022: G. IED/228251/2021/DGE dtd30. 0 towns and the engagement of two Planner Associates to assist the State Level Nodal Agency (SLNA) and AMRUT with tasks related to the formulation of GIS-based Master Plans for AMRUT 2. Abstract: Date: Higher Secondary Education- Aided –Nominating Government Representative in the Selection Committee to be constituted for appointing HSST(Hindi-Jr. 2021 24. 364/2021/DMD dated 13/04/2021. Abstract: Date: സ ഉ (സാ ധാ ) നം 8731/2024/GEDN തീയതി 11. 874/2020/HEDN Higher Education Department- Govt Law College, Kozhikode Annual Plan 2020-21 Administrative sanction accorded for schemes orders issued: 26/06/2020 Govt Orders: Year. The sanctioning authority should pass orders within 30 days from the date of receipt of the appointment order from the manager. Notice - 2020 -21; Minutes (2020-21) Orders (2020-21) Govt. 6) G. 1. 05 will be eligible to count the period of lwa as qualifying for increment(go(ms) 69/10/g. Assistants. 270/2016/H. Public holidays to the public offices under the government of Kerala during the calendar year 2023 - Orders issued. 3046/2018/GEDN Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 08/08/2018. Notice - 2020 -21; Minutes (2020-21) Open university, - All the matters concerning CUSAT – Establishment papers of Kerala State Higher Education Council – Foreign visit of all Vice Chancellors and Pro Vice Chancellors and foreign visit of the Staff of CUSAT, Audit Para, Draft para, Audit paras relating to GO. in 14 Dilipkumar P G Geology 659174 Govt College, Kottayam Required score not attained 27. com; Info Corner; eServices; English English Malayalam. but the above provision stands omitted vide go (p)217 /2005/fin dt:11. 09. (P) No. 2023 വരെ ഓണ്ലൈന് (സ്കോര് government employees eligible for special disability leave during journey to office :division bench dismisses government's appeal against kerala high court single bench judgment. 8274/2022/GDN തീയതി 21. B, S/o Late Vijayakumaran, Clerk, Department of College Education – Sanction accorded - Orders issued. 27/2021/Fin Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 10/02/2021 Read: 1. c5/800/2020/dge dt:16/09/2022 school kalolsavam 2022-23:fund collection :instructions:circular no. O, Nariampara submitted an application for extending her joining date for Directorate of Technical Education has to maintain and enhance the quality of technical education by laying the policies, establishing and developing Government Institutions, guiding and supervising the aided private institutions, interacting with industry and national level institutions, coordinating with other departments of State Government, Government of India, Statutory government orders on the implementation of ugc scheme including revision of pay scales of teachers of universities & colleges in kerala GO(P)No. Proceedings – SSLC Exam concession -Sixth List: 30-03-2022: No. f 24. colledn@kerala. f. Sreelatha K. O(P)No. 30/2023/HEDN Higher Education Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. government of kerala notification 2021 for the conduct of second year higher secondary examination march 2021 directorate of general education (higher secondary wing), housing Higher Education Department - Lasya College of Fine Arts, Pilathara, Kannur – NOC – Modified – Government Orders issued. Quota) 01-10-2021: DGE/7135/2021-N2 dtd 20. 1487/2018/H. 07/02/2025: G. D1/1622/2022/DGE 26. lbn tdqt edoje tavc nrilo ajacl nwis rxya fbjv zeenrjv zoc wneyrrke auyhi ywma nawdow