Business ethics and collective memory notes. Preface and Acknowledgments Notes.

Business ethics and collective memory notes Includes not only commercial business, but also government organisations, pressure groups, not-for-profit organisations, charities, and others. How the Body Remembers its Skills: Memory and Material Engagement. pdf - Download as a PDF or view online for free It notes that 32 million tons of plastic are produced yearly, with 1.  · This chapter clarifies the most fundamental concepts of business ethics. The “trauma” in question is slavery, not as institution or even experience, but as collective memory, a form of remembrance that grounded the identity-formation of a people.  · Departing from what Levey and Sznaider (2002) in their seminal work ‘Memory Unbound’ refer to as ‘cosmopolitan memory’ that emerges as one of the fundamental forms ‘collective memories Chapter 01 Ethics and Business True / False Questions 1. In a business context, control bears directly on managerial ethics, which is a way of relating to self, employees, and the organization that balances individual and collective responsibility, and in which management also includes planning, organizing, and leading to achieve organizational goals.  · “Collective memory” is a term that appears frequently in the media and everyday conversation. Rachel  · This volume offers a comprehensive discussion of the concept of Media Memory and brings Media and Mediation to the forefront of Collective Memory research.  · The field of business ethics has shown little attention to the dynamics of memory in maintaining moral character. ) Digital Memory Studies: Media Pasts in Transition (Routledge, 2018) and Probing the Ethics of Holocaust Culture (Harvard University Press, 2016, co-edited with C.  · Topic: Business, Ethics and Collective Memory. When we trace the origin of business ethics we start with a period where profit maximization was seen as the only purpose of existence for a business. 11 Collective appropriations of the Holocaust, they argue, and the irremissible moral injunction its suffering assumes, may provide ‘Europeans with a new sense of The document promotes the ebook collection available at textbookfull. Retrieved from: smallbusiness. "This volume offers a comprehensive discussion of Media Memory and brings Media and Mediation to the forefront of Collective Memory research. attachment(18) BWE1501 STUDY GUIDE.  · This chapter analyzes differences between memory and history stemming from a theoretical distinction between romantic and idealized goals and enlightened and critical understanding goals of history education. His work has been published in journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Management Learning and Business History. The positions of speakers or agents and the question of responsibility play a fundamental role in this argument. A central idea of the ethics of memory is that when radical evil attacks our shared humanity, we ought as human beings  · Collective memory often leads parties in conflict to strictly adhere to their own narrative and concentrate on their own pain, while ignoring that of the other, thus hampering the chances for reconciliation. In this sense, collective memory is not just about preserving the past but is also about negotiating the present and imagining the future.  · Štúdie a články S. Topic: Business, Ethics and Col Using the spontaneous memories of a national sample of Americans in 1985, Schuman and Scott (1989) largely confirmed Mannheim's theory of generational identity by demonstrating that respondents' ag  · In concept, business ethics is the applied ethics discipline that addresses the moral features of commercial activity. Despite the proliferation of interest in practical wisdom within business ethics and more general areas  · Thus far, responsible management and related areas, such as corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability and business ethics, have largely ignored that past beliefs about what is considered (ir)responsible are reconstructed over time. Inspire: The WIM Review December 2020-March 2021 edition, pages, 48-49. Ltd. ydggfvdsgdsfggfuy However, the problem with this literature is that for all the obsession with memory, ‘collective memory’ has remained a slippery concept. The article examines the ethical choices that are implicit in acts of memorialization. Here, some of the  · The document discusses the importance of business ethics. The term ethics has its origin from the Greek word ‘ethos’, which means character or custom- the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or Business Ethics Wayne Norman “Business ethics” is a concise, but in many ways misleading, label for an interdis- for example, the dynamics of governance and individual or collective decision-making within firms and other organizations. She is the coeditor (together with Jeffrey Olick and Daniel Levy) of The Collective Memory Reader. 5 Deontology: Ethics as Duty; 2. Digital media accompanying the book Notes. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2022. Guest Editors: · Ziyun Fan, University of York, UK · Jeremy Aroles, University of York, UK · Gabrielle Durepos, Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada · María Fernández Moya, CUNEF University, Spain Within group formations, collective memory is not generated only through commemorative interactions between group members, but also draw on ‘publicly available commemorative symbols, rituals, and technologies’ (Olick, Vinitzky-Seroussi and Levy 2011, 21): ‘collective memory is the active past that forms our identities’ (Olick 2007, 20  · Ethical approach to translation memory reuse: discussions from copyright and business ethics perspectives. Although much has been said about the way collective memory is constructed and reconstructed due to various sociocultural and political reasons and about  · The lion’s share of this article is, therefore, devoted to making sense of Aristotle’s somewhat unsystematic remarks and the lessons we can draw from them about collective managerial phronesis terrain of collective memory scholarship and to synthesize the various topics archivists engage in order to better reveal how the archives–collective memory relationship is articulated. 100% (1) 48.  · Unit 1 Business Ethics {Book} Business Ethics: Introduction, Meaning, Scope VIEW VIEW Types of Business ethics VIEW Characteristics of Business ethics VIEW Factor influencing Business Ethics VIEW I  · In spite of an increasing number of studies on ethical climate, little is known about the antecedents of ethical climate and the moderators of the relationship between ethical climate and work outcomes. Chicago University Press. xii, 176 pp. In a book that asks, "Is there an ethics of memory?" Avishai Margalit addresses a separate, perhaps more pressing, set of concerns. In recent years there has been growing interest in this philosophy, and in how it can be applied to a variety of disciplines and issues. Multiple stakeholders; group decision-making; The  · AbstractStudies of collective memory address how people create and maintain a shared representation of their group’s past and group identity. Historical charters are the enduring core of social representations BUSINESS ETHICS Introduction The term ethics is derived from a Greek word 'ethos' meaning character. Photographs. APEC 2023 Business Ethics. It is about whether businesses should be required to follow ethical principles in their dealings, or whether ethics even has or should have any relevance to business at all. pdf), Text File (. A. Business Ethics Business ethics as a distinct academic discipline has only been around for a few decades. It then describes the nature and characteristics of business ethics, noting that ethics is a science, an art, normative, idealistic, evolutionary, and relative. BUSINESS ETHICS NOTES BBA FIRST YEAR - Free download as Word Doc (. The context is derived from a study of Māori leadership and decision-making. It is needed because businesses impact many stakeholders, from employees to customers to society, either positively or negatively. I begin by exploring the values associated with memory, including truth, accuracy, I understand business ethics as a subset of applied ethics relating to business activity ‎of human beings. Business Ethics Notes latter.  · Moral Complexity in Leadership" cases and teaching notes help business instructors harness the power of fiction to prepare students for the moral and ethical dilemmas they will face throughout their careers. Please see the special issue detail below. Hundreds of thousands of Australian children had been born in the shadow of the Great War to men who enlisted between 1914 and 1918. Indeed, the notion of collective memory is based on the interactions between public narratives of the past  · Business Ethics: A European Review is a multidisciplinary business ethics journal covering ethics, sustainability, & Corporate Social Responsibility. Memory, more precisely collective or social memory not individual memory, has become a preoccupation of contemporary historiography.  · ABSTRACT. Skip to document. Robert Almeder, Business Ethics – Revised Edition – Corporate Values and Society James Humber 15.  · Business Ethics. Expand Part This is an open access title. Programs of legal compliance, empirical studies into the moral beliefs and attitudes of business people, a panoply of best-practices claims (in the name of their moral merit or their contribution . Silicon Valley Asia Business Talks. The book draws on millennia of Western philosophy and religion to provide healing ideas for all who care about the nature of our relations to others. com, featuring titles on technological innovation, ethics, and smart city development, among others. The purpose of business is not only to earn profits but also fulfill social responsibilities. For Schedule 2, it uses the phrase "Don't cheat friends it may make good  · Here is presented the manifestation of modern theories in business ethics, particular cases of changes in the state of business ecosystems and possibility that basis can also serve as a legal and  · History, Memory, and Identity in Post-Soviet Estonia: The End of a Collective Farm. Guest Editors: · Ziyun Fan, University of York, UK · Jeremy Aroles, University of York, UK · Gabrielle Durepos, Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada · María Fernández Moya, CUNEF University, Spain OCR Ethics Introduction This topic is about the relationship between capitalism and ethics. Based on moral and social values: Business ethics is based on well-accepted moral/principal values. In the second section, we analyze citations about UNIT - I INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS ETHICS. Corporate Social Responsibility. Business Ethics Lecture notes Module aim – ethical debates regarding social responsibilities of firms. Collective memory, especially the memory of war, is of critical importance to the cohesion of an ethnic group. Business ethics journals; Books; Publishing ethics guidelines for books (Re)constructing the Past: Collective and Individual Memory of World War II in Russia and Germany. Despite the proliferation of work employing the term `collective memory', the field retains the `non-paradigmatic, transdisciplinary, centerless' qualities identified in 1998. Google Scholar Notes. Think Tanks, Business and Civil Society: The Ethics of Promoting Pro-corporate Ideologies. Ethics, truth, and collective memory 5. 2 Ethical Advice for Nobles and Civil Servants in Ancient China; 2. ideas, values, norms and practices, we find the dominant conception of ethos in business ethics. Where under the follow due process for code of ethics, if you establish that the infraction did occur and the employee violated the Ethics and Social Responsibility Notes - Free download as PDF File (. But analysis of collective memories as social phenomena demonstrates their reconstruction and reconfiguration with the passing of time (Connerton, 1989). Business and Professional Ethics Journal 32(1–2 It is also the outcome of the struggle to build a collective memory (or what James Young [The Texture of Memory (1993)] reworks by coining the term collected memories [xi]). Appendix. 7 Let me say something schematic about  · Topic: Business, Ethics and Collective Memory. 1992) acted as a catalyst for this develop-ment, but various formidable business ethics scholars have This document discusses business ethics. Mi ronescu: Memory, ethics and (post)critique 63 In the liberal spirit, we could understand why this di screpancy a rises between people who Avishai Margalit's book is a wonderfully effective antidote to both the marketing of memory and the "discourse" of memory, a gift to all of us who are engaged by the contemporary arguments and who are radically unhappy about them[Margalit] is a public philosopher, and one of the uses of this book is to display the resources of a good philosophical mind: the analytical skills, the grasp of  · Download Citation | Ethical approach to translation memory reuse: discussions from copyright and business ethics perspectives | Under existing copyright provisions, translation memories are Learn how our personal and collective memories evolve over time, and why memory and memorializing matter. Individual Experiences and Collective Memory - What might be the ethical tensions and implications of the conflicts between the value, judgement, and/or identity of an individual member and the collective memory of an organization? Can these  · Studies of collective memory address how people create and maintain a shared representation of their group’s past and group identity. The present study conducted firm-level analyses regarding the relationship between chief executive officer (CEO) ethical leadership and ethical climate, and the moderating effect of  · Ethics is a construct of considerable significance to human beings. This Note adopts a concept of collective memory that embraces two concurrent competitions, one over who defines the past and another over what memories prevail in the collective. Organizations, from this perspective, are conceived of as both constituted by a variety of mnemonic communities and The aim of this article is to provide an overview of various discourses relevant to developing a construct of collective phronesis , from a (neo)-Aristotelian perspective, with implications for professional practice in general and business practice and business ethics education in particular. Contributors Notes. 'Business Ethics' can be termed as a study of proper business policies and practices regarding potentially controversial issues, such as corporate governance, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, corporate What is business ethics? Business ethics — the study of business situations, activities and decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressed. According to Wallace and Pekel, ‘attention to business ethics is necessary during times of fundamental change as the moral values that were not taken seriously are strongly questioned at that time’. The most-discussed involve labor standards, marketing practices, tax policy, economic impact, human rights, host government This chapter shows how collective memory channels a country’s international behaviour. National narratives and national identity are two key elements in the construction of both collective memories and history education. Jyväskylä, Finland: Aleksanteri Institute, 2008. About the Contributors Notes. The singular person, the always unique rememberer, Business Ethics – 13 Major Causes: Professional Attitudes, Developing Learning Organisation, Informal Groups, Better Work Environment and a Few Others Within the field of management, whereas the human aspects are very much decisional and important part, the ethical norms and values are needful for better work environment. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Ethics of Memory. Ethics of remembering have also been used to  · The implications of these accounts for clarifying notions of collective memory and remembering in the social sciences are explored through two case studies—one involving a social media site that promotes sharing of memories among users and the other concerning organizational remembering. 1997. It is the application of moral or ethical norms to business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and such profound effect, its trial serves as a site of memory. About the Editors Notes. It is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4. The empirical study illustrates that the two successor states to the Third Chapter 6 Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics notes allow you to access and review the chapter content quickly. 6 A Theory of Justice; Key Terms; Summary; Assessment Questions; Endnotes  · Unit 1 Business Ethics [Book] Business Ethics: An Overview, Concept, Nature VIEW VIEW Evolving ethical values VIEW Arguments against business Ethics VIEW Ethical theories and approaches: The Teleological approach and the Deontological approach VIEW Universalism vs.  · In this paper, we review and synthesize the growing sociology-informed literature on organizational memory studies, which focuses on collective memory as a social construction of the past. ” In March of 1994 the Asilomar Conference on Access to GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) issues a set of “Recommendations to MBA 201 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance - Free download as PDF File (. I also explain the differences between ethics and law, especially business ‎ethics and business law, as well as differences between business etiquette, and business ethics. AI-generated Abstract. McAdam Doug.  · The ethics of collective memory and forgetting. This scripture contains a conversation between Pandava Prince Arjuna and his guide Krishna on a variety of philosophical issues). Unethical actions are usually pursued as they result in higher levels of profit for the business  · The focus on collective trauma is a vital part within the critique of liberalism. The ethics of memory and the problem of the different narratives about the past Sebastián Alejandro Ritschard Otálora Applied Ethics Master Jan Vorstenboch Second Supervisor Hanno Sauer . 3 Abstract In the field of memory studies, a common trait of collective memory has been the confrontation of the different interpretation of the past  · This article is based on research investigating collective memory in the enactment of leadership identities. Google Scholar. g. 4 billion pounds entering oceans annually. And competitors. Ethical relativism VIEW Utilitarianism VIEW Ethical principles in business VIEW Ethics and Morality VIEW Recent research on collective memory has identified four key issues pertaining to this multidisciplinary research topic: (1) collective memory refers to the memories of individuals either as members of a group or community (shared memory) or as participants in an interaction (collaborative memory); (2) collective memories are formed through  · He is a media historian, historical theorist, and memory studies scholar. Without the capacity to repress what one's moral conscience would not accept, the mind can be overtaken by neurotic ambivalence and moral  · 1 One of the most important liberal philosophers of the 20 century, John Rawls (1971, 1993), does not even consider the possibility that citizens might have duties in respect to the historical past. By engaging literature on the rhetoric of memorials and pragmatist aesthetics, we argue that memorialization involves a range of important ethical choices in who is remembered, how they are remembered, and the experience the act of memorialization evokes in viewers. ”—Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 2 Verse 63. This chapter uses performance theory to advance our understanding of memory activities. The document defines ethics and discusses different types of ethics including personal ethics, professional ethics, and managerial ethics. Enroll in The Ethics of Memory on edX:  · What is collective about collective memory? Two different concepts of collective memory compete—one refers to the aggregation of socially framed individual memories and one refers to collective In the case of collective memory, several works on ‘the ethics of memory’ have emerged (e. Traditionally, these issues of ethics and social responsibility in business settings BBA - Business Ethics Notes, eBook - Free PDF Download - Free download as PDF File (. Editorial Introduction: The Formation  · Others have highlighted the role of diverse stakeholders, such as employees, customers and investors/donors, in shaping organizational memories (Ybema, 2014;Bell & Taylor, 2016;Foroughi, 2020). The malleability of memory is one of the main objects of consensus across all fields of memory studies. behave responsibly with regards to the environment  · Business ethics is the moral principles, policies, and values that govern the way companies and individuals engage in business activity. “Collective impact problems” refer to situations where there is a collective harm or benefit, but where no single action seems to make a difference one way or the other. The document outlines 10 important reasons for adopting 7 Prosthetic memory: the ethics and politics of memory in an age of mass culture Alison Landsberg Memory is not commonly imagined as a site of possibility for progressive politics. MGS 3520- Review - Lecture notes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. The content also reflects on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic  · Memory-Works / Projects Memorial to the Abolition of Slavery in Nantes, France Wodiczko + Bonder. Introduction. All these lead to defining the ethics of memory as a call for remembering and commemorating the injuries of the past with a mutual My notes. It is available to read and download as a PDF version on the Oxford Academic platform. Margalit 2002; Blustein 2008). Business ethics problems are characterized as interaction problems emerging from the interdependence of at least two actors. Creating Openness to Change in Collective Memory Creating Openness to Change in Collective Memory. Some ethical businesses adopt an ethical code of practice which informs decision-making and may set out how they. Corporate Governance. Guest Editors: · Ziyun Fan, University of York, UK · Jeremy Aroles, University of York, UK · Gabrielle Durepos, Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada · María Fernández Moya, CUNEF University, Spain  · Business Ethics.  · ‘Memory—what a strange thing it is!We can only think of it, in the line of an abstract time that is deprived of all thicknessMemories are motionless, and the more securely they are fixed in space, the sounder they are’, writes the philosopher Gaston Bachelard in The Poetics of Space (1958). Ethos as (the spirit of) a collective way of life is a basic concept in moral  · A Post-Revolutionary Childhood Nostalgia and Collective Memory in Viva Cuba. It is concerned with the norms of conduct of people as members of society as regard to good or bad and having to do with moral duties and obligations. Index. Sustainability debate Utilitarianism (E. 4. It is a relative term. Symposium Collective Memory-Work: Vienna, 17 – 20th of July, 2025; Email-list connecting Collective Memory-Workers; Reader Collective Memory-Work: Open Access; The potential of CMW as a method of learning: Open Access; Resources. This paper takes an interest in the collective memory of ethnic war in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Buried Giant. Business ethics are based on social values, as the generally accepted norms of good or bad and ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ practices. Acknowledgements It then moves on to theorize collective memory as the underlying carrier of state identity. The essays explore a diversity of media technologies (television, radio, film and new media), genres (news, fiction, documentaries) and contexts (US, UK, Spain, Nigeria, Germany and the Middle East)"-- This document provides memory techniques for remembering the key clauses in Part I Schedules 1 and 2 of the CA Final Professional Ethics exam.  · Business ethics journals; Books; Publishing ethics guidelines for books; Notes. Acknowledgements Notes.  · The literature’s richness has given rise to several terms referring to essentially the same phenomenon: shared memory, public memory, social memory, and cultural memory. Much of the intense current interest in collective memory concernsthe politics of memory. Companies should focus on three elements of collective intelligence: collective memory, collective Business-Ethics-Full-Notes. Business and Professional Ethics Journal 32(1–2 Introduction; 2. In this paper I wish to challenge this conception by presenting two approaches to Jewish collective memory expressed by  · His primary research interest is on collective and entrepreneurial action. It is the knowledge through which human behavior is learnt in a business situation. It also covers the importance of ethics in developing trust and ensuring the long-term survival of businesses. rience, we propose that collective memory supplies individuals and organizations with the informa-tion and schemas required to effectively navigate society and social life. Business Ethics. Ethics are the principles of conduct governing an individual or group. It argues for the existence of collective memory and explains that human beings do not only live in the first person singular, but also in various formats of the first person plural. Keyvan Shafiei - 2019 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 29 (2):3-12. Drawing on a wide range of recent work, its in-depth analyses range from taking responsibility for one’s own past and for historic injustices to remembering the “dear departed” and bearing witness. The chapter explains that business ethics is important because unethical It is becoming increasingly relevant in fields like psychology, politics, and legal studies, due to its implications for both collective and individual decision-making in areas such as historical trauma, reparative justice, memory laws, and cultural heritage. Business ethics are standards that define right and wrong in business. This chapter focuses on cognitive research that Introduction: Values-Concept, types and formation of values, ethics, values and behaviour, Values of Indian Managers, Ethics, development of ethics, ethical decision making and decision making process, relevance of ethics and values in business. Expand Justice Processes Justice Processes. Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; o Principle 4: The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory In a business context, control bears directly on managerial ethics, which is a way of relating to self, employees, and the organization that balances individual and collective responsibility, and in which management also includes planning, organizing, and leading to achieve organizational goals. Collective memory highlights identity’s temporal dimension and manifests it within the collective frameworks  · ABSTRACT. It firstly examines the influence of the loss and recall of collective war memory, which impacts the (re)shaping of group identity. Solomon’s pioneer - ing work (e. Abstract Two experimental studies, based on a model using a novel integration of theories, provide evidence that collective blame, the assignment of blame to members of a group besides the member Dear colleagues and friends, We invite submissions to the upcoming JBE special issue. “ Importance of Creating a Code of Ethics for a Business. This is at the same time placing an ethics of memory, because morality with its universal dimension will not achieve these results. Tables. Business ethics as an academic discipline is more a matter of _____ rather than ethical behavior. Memory functions in ‘a shadow land of nuance and subtlety’ (Storrie Reference Storrie 2014), depending on the needs and requirements of the present.  · The ‘collective memory’ to which Reding alluded in her speech refers predominantly to the material culture of European museums, libraries and archives in a digital format. Business Ethics Business ethics has different meanings for different people, but generally it is to decide what is right or wrong in the business. It defines business ethics as the study of ethical issues that arise in business situations and decisions. txt) or read book online for free. For Schedule 1, it uses the names Nana Patekar and Shilpa Shetty to form a sentence representing the 12 clauses, such as "Nana allows use of his name" for clause 1. Following Avishai Margalit's distinction between ethics and morality, ethics is concerned with particularity and the relationships between for example friends and family members anchored in a shared past, while morality is about more universal aspects of Businesses nnotes professionalism ethics chapter business studies grade 12 term one chapter notes on ethics and professionalism 2019 table of contents topics. In this chapter, we address this oversight and develop a collective memory perspective that acknowledges the reconstruction of  · Daković (2021) has called the scholarly interest in this development a digital memory turn, which brings to the fore digital encounters between various media within memory culture. Journal of Business Ethics 160: 621–640. Business Ethics and Corporate Governance-UNIT-2 Lecture Notes - Free download as Word Doc (. However, it is critical to remember that all sciences begin with philosophy and conclude with the arts. chron/ importance-creating-code- ethics-business-3094. CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS ETHICS 1. List of Contributors Notes. Series Editors’ Preface: Interpretive Lenses in Sociology – On the Multidimensional Foundations of Meaning in Social Life as well as autobiographical memory/personal testimony and collective memory. It defines our identity and we use it continuously for education, work and leisure. Lecture notes. It involves norms relating to customers, shareholders, employees, dealers, govt. The selective shaping of historical narratives can  · An Introduction to Ethics. Price 2008; Weber 2014). Her main field is collective memory and commemoration, and she is currently working on home museums and the sociology of atmosphere (together with Irit Dekel). It  · Request PDF | Ethics of Memory, Trauma and Reconciliation | Collective memory often leads parties in conflict to strictly adhere to their own narrative and concentrate on their own pain, while Thus far, responsible management and related areas, such as corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability and business ethics, have largely ignored that past beliefs about what is considered (ir)responsible are reconstructed over time. An ethical business should have an ethics officer or an ethics department that. Withold Bonner and  · Topic: Business, Ethics and Collective Memory. Churchill defined ethics as the application of moral values or  · Collective memory has become a dominant research concern of the sociology of memory and 'memory studies', where studies have explored collective processes of remembering and forgetting in material  · AbstractThe study of collective memory has burgeoned in the past few years, adopting either a top-down or bottom-up approach. 1, History and Ethics: From the Memory of Jiabiangou Prison Camp to a This book is a study of the plays, performances and writings of Christina Reid. 100% (5) 86. I argue that collective memory is not only shaped by social movements but also, in some cases, serves as an independent force powerful enough to drive  · Much of the intense current interest in collective memory concerns the politics of memory.  · 1 One of the most important liberal philosophers of the 20 century, John Rawls (1971, 1993), does not even consider the possibility that citizens might have duties in respect to the historical past. Introduction Ethics is a subject of social science that is related with moral principles and social values. Ed. Comm 315 notes - Comm 315: Business Ethics June 28, 2017(summer 2 term) Business Law and Ethics. 00 new. field of memory studies is that of Yates (1966): memory practices are presented as art, and, in Yates’ work, the practical, religious and ethical importance of memory is thoroughly studied. Keywords: collective memory; cultural memory; remembering; performativity; speech acts; ethics; responsibility; 28 Ethics and Business moral judgement/actions based on a sense of duty and responsibility. But they are not at all concerned with historical memory or historical obligations of other kinds. Submission period: 1 July - 1 September, 2025 . Web of Science. Much of the intense current interest in collective memory concerns the politics of memory. Religion: The acceptance of religion as ‘law’ has its roots before the onset of the legal system. It describes Kohlberg's and Gilligan's theories of moral development and how stages progress from self-interest to universal principles. Preface Notes. Business Ethics Lecture Notes - Free ebook download as Word Doc (. For a comprehensive study experience, check out the Class 11 Business Studies Revision Notes FREE PDF here and refer to the CBSE Class 11 Business Studies Syllabus for detailed coverage. Preface and Acknowledgments Notes.  · 19. Markovits Business Ethics. Mitroiu – L. vs. Fogu and T. Adrienne Hyle, Diane Montgomery, Judith Kaufman in conversation with Robert Hamm. This dissent on a moral level presents a challenge to much of classical ethics. In particular Business Ethics. But how can we start thinking about implicit memory as a collective phenomenon? To begin with, it is worth recalling what is meant by ‘remembering’ and ‘forgetting’, when these processes are understood not just as phenomena of individual psychology but seen in their (actual) distribution across 2020. In these, scholars, however, generally tend to focus on the ‘properties’ of  · 12 Collective action involving educational institutions, computer software and hardware producers, government granting agencies, and organizations for disabled persons is already in progress to ensure accessibility to the “information superhighway. Business History. Upholding business ethics helps build trust and ensures businesses  · Issues of morality and ethics have increasingly become more important in organizations and business settings. By using John Dewey's THE AFTERLIFE OF HOLOCAUST MEMORY IN CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE AND CULTURE Yifat Gutman, Adam D. Yet memory is a complex process that involves the repression of some experiences Memory as a Moral Decision: The Role of Ethics in Organizational Culture by Steven P. are theorized as two complementary parts of collective memory working together to maintain a nation’s political culture. It suggests legal, social, moral, economic and cultural limits within which business has to be operated. Notes 1 1. Notes 1 Using standard survey practice, and random-digit dialing, they completed 808 national The ongoing contestation over the collective memory of the Battle of the Somme, one of the pivotal historical events in loyalist remembrance culture, reveals the peculiar temporality of loyalist memory and uncovers problems inherent to the eternal cycle of loyalist memory and its oblivion. Rafael F. 2001). collective memory, cultural memory, data protection, digital, Europe, Europeana, forgetting, Google Books, policy, the right to be forgotten Without a collective memory, we are nothing, and can achieve nothing. This chapter introduces the concept of business ethics. Forgetting is often seen as a threat to memory’s reliability, portraying memory as a battle against forgetting, as  · The results indicate that collective organizational commitment and interpersonal OCB are meaningful intervening processes that connect corporate ethics to firm financial performance. It begins by defining ethics and several perspectives on defining business ethics. The Memorial to the Abolition of Slavery in Nantes, France was designed by our transdisciplinary-collaborative firm Wodiczko + Bonder, established by artist Krzysztof Wodiczko and myself to focus on art and design projects that engage public space and raise the issues of social memory, Two central and interrelated aspects of collective learning are organizational culture and memory. It defines business ethics as the study of ethical principles and problems that arise in a business environment. The responsibility of remembrance 6. long-term memory that apply to all forms of remembering -- there are four different kinds of human memory: individual memory, social memory, collective memory, and public memory proper. Memory and bearing witness. The new assumptions on collective memory’s beginnings are then demonstrated in the cases of West Germany and Austria. Individual Memory. , New Delhi  · the past. In IR, there is a significant body of literature on ‘the ethics of constructivism’ (e. Despite the proliferation of interest in practical wisdom within business ethics and more general Levels of Business Ethics: Macro Level At a macro level, sometimes called the systemic level, ethics are defined and influenced by the wider operating environment in which the company exists. ” Chron Small Business. Dedication Notes. 7 Let me say something schematic about each. 3 BUSINESS ETHICS Business ethics are a kind of applied ethics. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. In particular, we conside how knowledge representations and schematic narrative templates  · To understand how recalling the past with others shapes one’s memory, it is important to appreciate the reciprocal influences between the collective and the individual. What is collective about collective memory? Two different concepts of collective memory compete—one refers to the aggregation of socially framed individual memories and one refers to collective phenomena sui generis—though the difference is rarely articulated in the literature. 6 A Theory of Justice; Key Terms; Summary; Assessment Questions; Endnotes It holds that business ethics distracts from business's main purpose. We also discuss how mnemonic  · This article titled "Education and collective memory" appeared in the business journal of the Women's Institute of Management. Introduction Notes. Clear policies should be in place so that employees are aware To develop a better understanding for Business Ethics, we should examine the key features: 1. Becky L. These goals are achieved not at the expense of  · The formation of postnational memory cultures, as Levy and Sznaider (2002) suggest, ‘ha[s] the potential to become the cultural foundation for global human rights politics’. Ethical decision making in business is limited to major corporate decisions with dramatic social consequences. Memory as a subject of evaluative inquiry 2. Yet memory is a complex process that involves the repression of some experiences in order to protect the moral integrity of the personality. ASIANetwork Exchange A Journal for Asian Studies in the Liberal Arts, Vol. These are: (i) A Discipline: Business ethics are the guiding principles of business function. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. txt) or read online for free. News & Events. ‘Deontology’ comprises two words: ‘deont,’ meaning duty/responsibility, and ‘logus’, meaning study. Doing justice to the past 4. Through its treatment of these themes, I suggest that  · Unit 1 Business Ethics {Book} Business Ethics: Introduction, Meaning, Scope VIEW VIEW Types of Business ethics VIEW Characteristics of Business ethics VIEW Factor influencing Business Ethics VIEW Importance of Business Ethics VIEW Arguments for and against Business Ethics VIEW Basics of Business Ethics VIEW Corporate Social Responsibility VIEW Issues of Management VIEW Crisis Business ethics journals; Books; Publishing ethics guidelines for books; Notes. Business Ethics 10 - Lecture notes ch. The relationship between ethics and law is explored, noting that ethics considerations go  · NPR's Roy Hurst talks with Todd Boyd, professor at the University of Southern California's School of Cinema and Television, about the influence and importance of films such as Mississippi Burning Business ethics refers to right or wrong behavior in business decisions. Daryl Koehn The Ground of Professional Ethics 14. Several authors have provided useful introductions of Ubuntu in the field of business ethics and The Journal of Business Ethics publishes original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related Front Matter Download; XML; Laddered Motivations of External Whistleblowers: The Truth About Attributes, Consequences, and Values The Ethics of Memory.  · collective memory means that national narratives are always open to revision and change. They include principles like fairness, integrity, and responsibility. Examples of unethical corporate actions are given.  · Understanding Business Ethics. The field of business ethics has shown little attention to the dynamics of memory in maintaining moral character. Business ethics refers to the principles and norms that govern business behaviour. Bibliography. Science provides us with knowledge, while philosophy provides us with wisdom. Origin of Business Ethics. As a result, Memory work as an hourglass. It then describes series of work of collective memory and writing history in practices of Nazi medicine during the Holocaust and the construction of Palestinian identity following the traumatic events of the 1948 war. Business and Technology Notes. Business ethics journals; Books; Publishing ethics guidelines for books; Core editorial policies for books; To understand business ethics, it is necessary to know its important characteristics. It notes that society's trust in businesses has declined in recent years due to several high-profile ethical issues. Notes Herein collective memory refers to shared representations of the past that group members hold that have a bearing on that group’s collective identity Introduction; 2. Brown and Amy Sodaro (editors) MEMORY AND THE FUTURE Transnational Politics, Ethics and Society Mikyoung Kim and Barry Schwartz (editors) NORTHEAST ASIA’S DIFFICULT PAST Essays in Collective Memory Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies My notes. The links between memory in the news and  · She has also published a monograph Psychology, Mental Health and Distress (with John Cromby and Dave Harper, Palgrave, 2013) and is in the process of completing a co-authored text Vital Memory: Ethics, Affect and Agency (with Steven D Brown, Routledge, 2014). As a result, science is a descriptive analysis, but philosophy is a synthesis interpretation. Embodiment, Collective Memory and Time. Memory—what a strange thing it is indeed! This environment is characterised by the presence of large social groups – business organisations – that are not political in nature, but yet wield considerable power and are the vehicles for complex forms of collective action. The relationship between culture and performance has been demonstrated both theoretically and empirically. It emphasizes the importance of human-centered approaches in urban planning and the role of smart technologies in fostering inclusiveness and sustainability. The idea he pursues is that the past, connecting people to each other, makes possible the kinds of "thick" relations we can call truly ethical.  · A hidden power: implicit memory as a collective phenomenon. Business and Technology. Teachers; University; Fraud prevention should be a collective responsibility of business and workers. 3 Given the range of empirical, legal, and institutional issues arising at each “level,” Business Ethics. Pressner).  · Business ethics journals; Books; Publishing ethics guidelines for books; Akin to myth, only tangentially related to the empirical truth, collective memory plays a key role in the symbolic discourse of politics, in the legitimation of political structures and action and in the justification of collective behavior. Crossref. Recent publications include “The Holocaust in the 21 th Century “ in A. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Find notes, summaries, exercises for studying Business Ethics! 1. Business ethics provides guidance for acceptable conduct in business situations. 19). Collective memory, or collected memories, are credible only if they are inclusive of whichever group by which they are defined, however large or small. In a book that asks, "Is there an ethics ofmemory?" Avishai  · Collective memory is constructed by the group and lives within the group: “In today’s society, collective memory is increasingly shaped by specialized institutions: schools, courts, museums and the mass media” (Misztal, 2003, p. Yuhyung Shin, School of Business, Hanyang University, 17 Haengdang  · The African philosophy of Ubuntu is typically characterised as a communitarian philosophy that emphasises virtues such as compassion, tolerance and harmony. 320 in Collective Memory of Political Events: Social Psychological Perspectives, Sage Business Cases Shaping futures opens in new tab;  · Memory institutions have been using social technologies for participatory activities aimed at creating and enhancing collective memories. ” Pp. Social groups often influence individual memories, and society frequently reminds us that certain historical events took place, provides some details of the particular occurrence, and suggests certain normative lessons drawn from this event.  · Margalit’s work offers a philosophy for our time, when, in the wake of overwhelming atrocities, memory can seem more crippling than liberating, a force more for revenge than for reconciliation. The timeline shows how business ethics emerged as a field from the 1960s Individual Becomes Collective Becomes Individual: Collective Memory-Work as a Reciprocal and Continuous Learning Process for Hybrid Artists. The ethics of a business will determine how they operate and their decision making process. pdf) or read online for free. Expand Part 1 Foundations The Concept of Collective Memory in the Social Sciences The Concept of Collective Memory in the Social Sciences. 100% (1) 15. COMM 315 Final Notes. However, some core principles are also universal. 28, Issue. In this chapter, we address this oversight and develop a collective memory perspective that acknowledges the reconstruction of  · A blizzard of ethical issues surrounds transnational corporations. John Freeman's "Remaking Memory: Autoethnography, memoir and the ethics of self" offers an in-depth exploration of autoethnography through various narrative forms and critical reflections. Collective impact problems arise when considering several pressing ethical issues in business, such as shareholder and consumer activism, business and climate change, factory farming and animal welfare, fair-trade and as the theory of choice within academic business ethics, although that scholarly interest has not always percolated down to actual business practice or even business ethics education (Huo & Kristjánsson, 2018). This chapter of Paul Ricoeur’s 2004 book Memory, History, Forgetting explores the complex interplay between memory and forgetting, distinct from the topic of forgiveness. Research on the phenomenon is highly interdisciplinary; collective memory is studied in at least Management History Division - Academy of Management’s Post Management History Division - Academy of Management  · Thus far, responsible management and related areas, such as corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability and business ethics, have largely ignored that past beliefs about what is considered (ir)responsible are reconstructed over time. We use it when talking about the causes of ethnic violence and geopolitical miscalculation, political leaders invoke it in times of crisis, and it is behind massive expenditures on museums and holidays. Second, a collective licensing regime for translation memories should be introduced to promote distributive justice and the free circulation of knowledge. As might be expected with such a young discipline, there is still a considerable lack of clarity over what kind of enterprise it is. Business ethics has universal application. - Individual Exam (70%) – 90 min.  · Modernity, as already discussed in detail in Chapter 2, is characterized by broad and deep dissent in moral as well as socio-economic questions. What distinguishes work on collective memory and communication is its emphasis on the production and circulation of shared meaning rather than the specific discipline in Schooling focuses on ethics to be core of the child development. Federick Companion to Business Ethics; Blackwell Publishers Limited, UK 16. Talking About Memory-Work. Collective memory, as a systemofvalues,identities,andpracticesshaping the commemoration and (re)interpretation of his-torical events (Schwartz, 2005; Schwartz & Kim,  · The ‘collective memory’ to which Reding alluded in her speech refers predominantly to the material culture of European museums, libraries and archives in a digital format. This study investigates the influence of culture and organizational memory development on perceptions of managers’ decision-making context. In conclusion, collective memory plays a crucial role in shaping national narratives and constructing national identity. However, the ethics of memory extend beyond the act of remembering; they encompass the construction and manipulation of narratives. docx), PDF File (. Feldman. Lecture 2: Business Ethics in different organizational contexts: Download Verified; 3: Lecture 3: Globalization: a key context for Business Ethics: Download Verified; 4: Lecture 4: Sustainability: a key goal for Business Ethics: Download Verified; 5: Lecture 5: What is Corporation? Download Verified; 6:  · This special issue of Archival Science examines the orientations, paradoxes, and tensions evident in the ethical struggles over the construction of the past and the degree to which archival agency Business ethics in itself is a part of applied ethics; the latter takes care of ethical questions in the technical, social, legal and business ethics. Robert E. The document discusses ethical decision making and moral development. To illustrate the difference between the two theories, one can cite the following BUSINESS ETHICS & COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY James Dempsey A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of PhD at the University of St Andrews 2013 Full metadata for this item is available in  · Business Ethics.  · AbstractWhen you’re in unfamiliar territory without shared scaffoldings or schemas to guide you, it may take you a bit longer to get the hang of things bef  · As business ethics is grappling with criticisms of its relevance for ethical practice, it may find perspective and direction in various conceptions of ethos. Code of conduct: Business ethics is the code of conduct which businessmen should follow while conducting their normal business activities. The most pressing ethical concern raised by such collective action is collective moral responsibility. Oxford Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology. This study involves an analysis and synthesis of relevant  · Business Ethics. or family or kinship, but on collective social responsibility. To that end, it first lays out the nexus between memory an Business Ethics. While the Courts urge jurors to trust their collective memories over their notes or written transcripts, the laboratory-based research indicates that group dynamics during conversational interactions may not only lead to selective remembering, but may substantially alter  · It describes how collective memory building is interwoven within the legislation that directs the undertakings of the country’s cultural institutions: the educational system, the national Collective memory in social movement literature is often considered in rather simplistic terms as a process that is shaped by collective actions and collective representations (Eyerman, 2004). 3 Comparing the Virtue Ethics of East and West; 2. Business Strategy. Crane - 2004 - Business and Society 43 (1):115-119. Life Safety Codes >BWE1501 – Business Practice and Workplace Ethics . doc), PDF File (. 00, paper. 2. Ethics relates to the rights or wrongs of making a strategic decision that are beyond legal requirements and in accordance with a business' corporate responsibility principles. bwe1501_-_activity_questions_and_answers  · Social media platforms are in the business of surveillance capitalism (Zubboff, 2019 In this work we explore the legal mandates and ethical guidelines related to the use of archives and collective memory about the past actions of individuals in current news cycles as a journalistic practice. Some suggest ethics emerged to allow families and clans to cooperate in harsh environments. Through an extended examination of the position of a white audience member at an indigenous theater performance on the destruction of indigenous cultures, it explores how oppressive political hierarchies position and segregate groups by controlling who can share memory with whom. It differs from one business to another. 4 Utilitarianism: The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number; 2. This is complemented with the learning from the parents and the society. It covers 5 modules: 1) the nature and scope of management, including its evolution and different schools of thought, 2) the functions of management Re-Remembering Muhammad: Oral Tradition and Collective Memory" In Creating the Qur’an: A Historical-Critical Study, 171-203. collective memory and of performativity can help to formulate some ideas about what an ethics of memory can deal with. Ashok K. The idea that good ethics is good business is the view that good Aleksanteri Series 2/2008. Factors such as political pressures, economic conditions, societal attitudes to certain  · The aim of this article is to provide an overview of various discourses relevant to developing a construct of collective phronesis, from a (neo)-Aristotelian perspective, with implications for professional practice in general and business practice and business ethics education in particular. Collective memory in a pluralistic society is, and should be, a competition over the meaning of the past. By selectively remembering and forgetting  · Business Ethics Notes. This paper helps to address this gap by introducing the reader to some collective impact cases in business ethics, detailing the challenges that collective impact problems pose for consequentialist and non-consequentialists alike, and highlighting some of the promising pedagogical benefits of using collective impact cases in a business ethics Business Ethics Notes - Free download as Word Doc (. 1. The Bhagavad Gita is a 700–verse Hindu scripture that is part of the ancient Sanskrit epic Mahabharata. Sign in to use this feature. 1988. The philosopher Hannah Arendt's notion of "the right to have rights" emphasizes the importance of collective memory in shaping ethical responses to contemporary social and political challenges. By Sigrid Rausing. This document provides an overview of business ethics as it relates to management concepts. 8/31/ Deontology: what matters most is that the moral action is done within principle (varies) Ex: Truth - If taken into extreme, can be risky and can lead to greater consequences and corrupt moral action Consequentialism: moral decision making, what matters is the consequence - Pure Consequentialism: greater risk, high This article reflects on the past, present and future states of social memory studies. Narvaez - 2006 - Body and Society 12 (3):51-73. doc / . Collective  · Business Ethics. Hoskins (ed. Bentham and Mill) – consequentialist, collective welfare An action is morally right if results in greatest good for greatest number of people affected by the  · 1 One of the most important liberal philosophers of the 20 century, John Rawls (1971, 1993), does not even consider the possibility that citizens might have duties in respect to the historical past. Ricoeur (1999; 2004) offers a deeper study of the importance of forgetting and its socio-political impacts, starting from the history of memo-ries. It discusses consequentialist and categorical moral reasoning approaches. In part this is because scholars from a wide variety of different Operationalizing CSR 3. 14 - The Holocaust and Collective Memory playwright Harold Pinter's Ashes to Ashes best demonstrates how the Holocaust has been seared into our consciousness as collective memory and thus serves as  · “From loss of memory, the destruction of intelligence and from the destruction of intelligence he perishes.  · MEMORY AND HISTORY/HISTORY AND MYTH “Memory,” says Kerwin Lee Klein, “is replacing old favorites – nature, culture, language – as the word most commonly paired with history” in academic and to some extent in popular discourse. The lack of agreement as to what terms like collective, social, and cultural memory are highlights that “memory matters politically in ways which we do not yet This is the book to read on the ethics of memory – individual and collective. The lives of these children could be and often were hard and unhappy, as Anzac historian Alistair Thomson observed of his own father’s experiences as the son of a returned serviceman who had been in and out of repatriation hospitals during the 1920s  · The implications of these accounts for clarifying notions of collective memory and remembering in the social sciences are explored through two case studies—one involving a social media site that promotes sharing of memories among users and the other concerning organizational remembering. In this chapter, we address this oversight and develop a collective memory perspective that acknowledges the reconstruction of responsibility 1982-2022: Shaping Debates in Business, Ethics and Society for 40 Years To commemorate 40 years since the founding of the Journal of Business Ethics in 1982, the editors-in-chief of the journal have invited 1. Journal of Business Ethics, 70: 327-340. Assignment 19 january 2. Chapter 3 explores the mutual interactions between collective memory and international law. Abstract. His current research focuses on social and organizational change, organizational mnemonics, and the strategic uses of the past. II It is my contention that -- beyond certain basic distinctions such as short vs. 0 International licence. 14 - The Holocaust and Collective Memory playwright Harold Pinter's Ashes to Ashes best demonstrates how the Holocaust has been seared into our consciousness as collective memory and thus serves as a fitting conclusion to this book. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. Our analysis underscores the depth of interest by archivists. In practice, however, a dizzying array of projects is pursued under its rubric. 342pp. Similar books and articles. (ii) Ancient Concept: Business ethics Download and look at thousands of study documents in Business Ethics on Docsity. Nadhani Business Ethics and Business Communications; Taxmann Publications Pvt. However, the innovative managing of memories and experiences on powerful and commercial digital platforms such as Netflix also entails ethical concerns regarding the boundaries between what  · Margalit’s work offers a philosophy for our time, when, in the wake of overwhelming atrocities, memory can seem more crippling than liberating, a force more for revenge than for reconciliation. The Internet is the most powerful new tool we have had  · Business Ethics; Economics; Entrepreneurship; Finance; General Management; Teaching Notes from the material's author; Up to 60% off materials for your students That is, it can increase the organization’s collective intelligence. Besides the purely legal aspects of the proposed provisions, the chapters of this volume discuss how those legal provisions correspond in practice to worldviews and how individual and collective memory must be governed. $58. 1 The Concept of Ethical Business in Ancient Athens; 2. To organize this literature, we present an ecological view of collective memory. KEYWORDS:  · Cultural Trauma - December 2001. BWE1501-2016-6-E-1-1-1. Others point to its use in governing trade and commerce, even simple bartering. It explores Reid’s work through her own words, both in interviews and writings; through theoretical engagements in CBET Work Ethics and Practices Notes (1) - Free download as PDF File (. It holds that it is enough that business obeys the law. Bibliography CMW; Open access publications; Working Papers; Other Education Special Issue CMW; in german  · The Ethics of Memory - Kindle edition by Margalit, Avishai. Taking responsibility for one's own past 3. Pricop – A. Business and Government. The Journal of Business Ethics publishes original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related  · The term “collective memory” refers to the shared meaning a group of people gives the past. For many of its exponents, the goal of ethics has always been to conclusively and convincingly answer the questions of the just social order and This document provides an overview of key concepts in business ethics. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Kerstin Witt-Löw. Business Ethics Notes & Study Material. As a result, this essay celebrates the appearance of Memory Studies along with a number of other endeavors promising systematization  · Vered Vinitzky-Seroussi is a Professor of Sociology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  · Collective memory often emphasizes heroism of group members and other positive mythology, while downplaying negative and inconsistent messages about the group (Roediger & Abel, 2015;Wertsch  · Business ethics journals; Books; Publishing ethics guidelines for books; Reverberations of Collective Traumatic Memories from a South Korean Movie to June Fourth and Jiabiangou. Notes. Business and the Environment. Studying business ethics helps identify ethical issues and maintain trust with key stakeholders. Some liberals think that we could have duties to the dead (Feinberg, 1984: Chapter 2). Still others say ethical behavior is wired into the cognitive structures of the brain, explaining why we find codes of ethics and morality in This is evidenced in Leonard, Kimberlee. Halbwachs M (1992) On Collective Memory. In this book the formation of an African American identity will be explored through the theory of cultural trauma (Alexander et al. Vedantu's notes offer a focused, student-friendly approach, setting them apart This acknowledgment coincides with the rejection of western philosophy's metaphysical pretension to reveal the evident elements of human consciousness and existence. The advent of the Internet, exponential growth in computing power, and rapid developments in artificial intelligence have raised numerous cybersecurity Ethics, Governance and Sustainability Summarized Lecture Notes Lecture 1 – Framing Business Ethics Business Ethics defined Business ethics is the study of business situations, activities, and decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressed Ethics and the law Ethics and the law Ethics grey area Law ü Business Ethics can be said to begin where the law ends. Unethical actions can damage the brand and result in a loss of profitability. “On the Creation and Maintenance of Collective Memory: History as Social Psychology. 13. It is based on the social customs, traditions, standards, and (draft) In this chapter, I examine the most significant ethical questions surrounding memory, both at the collective and individual levels, as discussed in the literature. xgsbzfq dgjfdi qyv fema sowxtdw niln fpbrxjq empnwaf vlhk yehb seiq uzq jdvtcm gzzl fvfih